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Flueck, W.T. 2016. The impact of recent volcanic ash depositions on herbivores in Patagonia: a review. The Rangeland Journal, 38:27-34. PDF (Published Version) - request a copy. Official URL: pdf


Flueck WT. 2015. Osteopathology and selenium deficiency co-occurring in a population of endangered Patagonian huemul (Hippocamelus bisulcus). ?BMC Res Notes 8:330, pp 1-9. Download publication


Flueck WT, Smith-Flueck JM, Mincher BJ, Winkel LHE. 2014. Soil selenium levels corroborate direct evidence of selenium deficiency in endangered Patagonian huemul deer (Hippocamelus bisulcus). In: Proceedings of the 8th International Deer Biology Congress, J. Ma, M. Zhang, R. Halbrook, B. Liu, W. Zhang (eds.). Northeast Forestry University, Harbin, China, pp. 52-53. Download publication


Flueck WT, Smith-Flueck JM, Mincher BJ, Winkel LHE. 2014. An alternative interpretation of plasma selenium data from endangered Patagonian huemul deer (Hippocamelus bisulcus). Journal of Wildlife Diseases, in press. Download publication


Flueck, W.T. 2014. Continuing impacts on red deer from a volcanic eruption in 2011. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 60:699–702. PDF (Published Version) - request a copy. Official URL: 10.1007/s10344-014-0828-x Download publication


Flueck, W.T. and J.M. Smith-Flueck. 2013. Temporal kinetics of fluoride accumulation: from fetal to adult deer. European Journal of Wildlife research, 59:899–903.Download pre-publication version

  ©Springer-Verlag, original publication is available at


Flueck, W.T. 2013. Effects of Fluoride intoxication on teeth of livestock due to a recent volcanic eruption in Patagonia, Argentina, Onl J Vet Res., 17 (4): 167-176. Download


Flueck, W.T. and J.M. Smith-Flueck. 2013. Severe dental fluorosis in juvenile deer linked to a recent volcanic eruption in Patagonia. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 49(2):355-366. Download pre-publication version


Flueck, W.T., J.M. Smith-Flueck, J. Mionczynski, and B.J. Mincher. 2012. The implications of selenium deficiency for wild herbivore conservation, a review. Europ J Wildl Res, 58:761-780. PDF (Published Version) - request a copy. Official URL: Download pre-publication version


Flueck, W.T. and J.M. Smith-Flueck. 2012. Diseases of red deer introduced to Patagonia and implications for native ungulates. Animal Production Science 52(8):766–773. PDF (Published Version) - request a copy. Official URL: Download pre-publication version


Flueck, W.T. and J.M. Smith-Flueck. 2011. Intraspecific phenotypic variation in deer: the role of genetic and epigenetic processes. Animal Production Science 51(4):365-374. PDF (Published Version) - request a copy. Official URL: Download pre-publication version


Flueck, W.T. and J.M. Smith-Flueck. 2011. Red deer introduced to Patagonia: 1. Diseases and implications for native ungulates. Animal Production Science 51(40):cxxvi-cxxxiii. PDF (Published Version) - request a copy. Official URL: Download pre-publication version


Flueck, W.T. and J.M. Smith-Flueck. 2011. Red deer introduced to Patagonia: 2. Campylognathia or bent-nose disease. Animal Production Science 51(4):cxxxiv-cxxxix. PDF (Published Version) - request a copy. Official URL: Download pre-publication version


Flueck, W.T. and J.M. Smith-Flueck. 2011. Recent advances in the nutritional ecology of the Patagonian huemul: implications for recovery. Animal Production Science 51(40):311-326. PDF (Published Version) - request a copy. Official URL: Download pre-publication version


Flueck, W.T. 2009. Exotic deer in southern Latin America: what do we know about impacts on native deer and on ecosystems?. Biological Invasions, in press Download©Springer-Verlag, original publication is available at


Flueck, W.T. 2009. Biotic Translocation of Phosphorus: The Role of Deer in Protected Areas. Sustainability. 1(2):104-119. Download


Flueck, WT and JM Smith-Flueck. 2008. Age-independent osteopathology in skeletons of a South American cervid, the Patagonian huemul (Hippocamelus bisulcus). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 44:636-648. Download


Flueck W.T. and A. Jones. 2006. Potential Existence of a Sylvatic Cycle of Taenia ovis krabbei in Patagonia. Vet. Parasitol., 135:381-383. Download 


Flueck, W.T. and J.M. Smith-Flueck. 2006. Why the Patagonian huemul deer in Argentina fails to recover: An ecological hypothesis. Pages 181-185 In (Ed. Bartos, L. et al.) Advances in deer biology. Research Institute of Animal Production, Praha, Czech Republic.Download


Flueck, W.T., J.M. Smith-Flueck, and N.A. Bonino. 2005. A preliminary analysis of cause-specific and capture-related mortality, and survival of adult red deer in northwestern Patagonia. Ecol. Austral, 15(1):23-30. Download 


Flueck, W.T. 2003. Consideraciones acerca de la calidad nutritiva de hábitat, hábitat óptimo, y evaluación de hábitat para huemul. Pages 30-34 In (Acosta-Jamett, G., ed.) 4ta reunión Chileno-Argentina sobre estrategias de conservación del huemul. CONAF and CODEFF, Las Trancas, Chile. 


Smith-Flueck, J.M. W.T. Flueck. 2001. Natural mortality patterns in a population of southern Argentina huemul (Hippocamelus bisulcus), an endangered Andean cervid. European J. Wildl. Res. 47(3):178-188. Download   ©Springer-Verlag, original publication is available at


Flueck, W.T. 2001. Body reserves and pregnancy rates of introduced red deer in Patagonia, Argentina after a period of drought. Ecología Austral, 11:17-24. Download 


Flueck, W.T. and J.M. Smith-Flueck. 1996. Can energy deficiency cause deer die-offs on northern mountain summer ranges? an exploratory analysis of Odocoileus hemionus columbianus. Zeits. Jagdwiss. 42(2):85-96. Download ©Springer-Verlag, original publication is available at


Flueck, W.T. 1994. Relationship between body weight, lipid reserves, and ovulation rate in non-equatorial cervids: a hypothesis. Zeitsch. Jagdwiss., 40(1):12-21. Download ©Springer-Verlag, original publication is available at


Flueck, W.T. 1994. Effect of trace elements on population dynamics: selenium deficiency in free-ranging black-tailed deer. Ecology 75(3):807-812. Download ©Ecological Society of America


Flueck, W.T., and J.M. Smith-Flueck. 1992. Consideraciones acerca de la regulación nutricional de la reproducción y dinámica poblacional en cérvidos. Int. Semin. Native and Introduced Deer in Chile. Asoc. Criaderos de Ciervos Chile:63-72.


Flueck, W.T. 1991. Whole-blood Selenium Levels and Glutathione Peroxidase Activity in Erythrocytes of Black-tailed Deer. J. Wildl. Manage., 55(1):26-31. Download


Flueck, W.T. 1990. Possible impact of immissions on trace mineral availability to free-ranging ruminants: selenium as an example. Zeitsch. Jagdwiss. 36(3):179-185. Download ©Springer-Verlag, original publication is available at


Flueck, W.T. and J.M. Smith-Flueck. 1990. Selenium deficiency in deer: The effect of a declining selenium cycle ? Trans. Congr. Int. Union Game Biol., 19(1):292-301. Download


Flueck, W.T., B.B. Norman, J.M. Smith-Flueck, and N.K. Jacobsen. 1989. The potential of increasing deer production by broad scale selenium supplementation in Northern California. Int. Symp. Industr. Uses of Selenium and Tellurium, Proc. 4:713-717.


Helferich, W.G., M.H. Silva, W.T. Flueck, B.D. Hammock and L.R. Shull. 1987. Xenobiotic Biotransformation in Livers and Lungs of Adult Black-Tailed Deer: Comparison with Domestic Goat and Sheep. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C, 88(1):145-150.

Flueck, W.T., P.M. Kidd and S.A. Levine, 1985. Outline research proposal for clinical evaluation of antioxidant status in ecological illness. Pages 318-320 in Antioxidant Adaption. S.A. Levine and P.M. Kidd, eds., Biocurrents Division, Allergy Research Group, San Leandro, CA. 367pp.


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Flueck, W.T. 2000. The missing agenda in normative concepts aiming at a sustainable Society. Quinto Coloquio Internacional Bariloche de Filosofía. Bariloche, Argentina.

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